Tuesday 2 April 2013


Orla Kiely Tomato Vine Gel Handwash - Spring Limited Edition
This is an awesome company! Method has everything from home cleaning products, to laundry detergents to hand soap. I have used the handsoaps and also, in the past, the bathroom cleaner.

Most of the handsoaps that are currently available in supermarkets are antibacterial, initially you would probably think this a good thing, but most of these contain triclosan as an antimicrobial agent.

I did some reading into triclosan for my dissertation and scientific research of aquatic ecosystems has found that triclosan can act as an endocrine disruptor. It is still being used in products because the FDA are saying that more research needs to be done to analyse the risk - I suggest reading up on it and deciding for yourself.

Method handsoaps do not contain triclosan, are not tested on animals and use biodegradable packaging, their METHODology (genius!) is to ensure all of their products are clean, safe and green with great natural scents and awesome packaging.

Speaking of awesome packaging, I have to mention one of my favourite things about this brand - their collaboration with Orla Kiely.

Method is a company that you have to check out - and if you need more information on what's in their products they list the active ingredients on their website: methodhome.com 

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