Monday 13 May 2013


Bourjois Little Round Pot

So I have had alot of people asking me about make-up and which brands are good to use, first of all for lipstick I would take a look at the Lead in Your Lipstick post, but for eye shadow and mascara I recommend Bourjois.

Make-up is not an area that I have done much research in but I have been using Bourjois eye shadows and mascara for a couple of years and really like them. Unfortunately the ingredients are not listed on the packaging but so far all the products that I have seen are labelled as being paraben free including: mascara, eye shadow and lip gloss.

I love these little round pots of eyeshadow, they come in a range of fabulous colours and are just as bright and bold on your eyelids as they look in the pot - they look awesome!

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